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Saturday, 25 July 2015

Kenyan Evangelicals Warn Obama Not to Push for Gay Rights during Visit

About 700 Kenyan pastors are urging President Obama not to push the gay agenda during his visit to the country, which starts today. Christian Today reports the pastors are led by Bishop Mark Kariuki, head of the Kenya Evangelical Alliance, a network of 38,000 churches and 10 million Christians. 
Homosexuality is illegal in Kenya, as well as over 30 other African nations. Homosexual activity carries a punishment of prison time in Kenya; some offenses can result in a 21-year sentence. 
Kariuki said that Kenya is 82 percent Christians and most civilians do not support gay rights. 
He said, “...when Obama comes, we are asking him to respect the morals of Kenyans, to respect the faith of Kenyans, he is coming for a commercial visit, let him talk about the conference but he should not talk about gayness because he is a world leader and our young people will start thinking that is a way of life.
"We do not want him to come and talk on homosexuality in Kenya or push us to accepting that which is against our faith and culture.
"Let him talk about development, let him talk about cooperation, let him talk about the long-time relationship Kenya has had with America. But about our beliefs and culture– keep off."
Kenya is the nation of Obama’s father’s origin. The country has anticipated the President’s arrival with American flags and posters which read, “Welcome Home.”
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